Piano Technique

7 Genre types (with multiple compositions) that every piano student should aim to learn from!


As a piano student, learning a variety of pieces can help you improve your skills and keep your practice sessions engaging. In this article, we'll explore seven genres that every piano student should aim to learn from. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, these types of pieces will challenge you, entertain you, and help you develop your musicality. From classical masterpieces to crowd-pleasing showstoppers, we've got you covered. 1. Classical masterpieces Classical music is the bedrock of piano education, offering timeless works that refine technique, expression, and musicality. These pieces often serve as milestones in a student's progress. "Für [...]

7 Genre types (with multiple compositions) that every piano student should aim to learn from!2024-07-23T18:43:19+01:00

Piano practise techniques for building speed and accuracy


As pianists, we all strive to improve our speed and accuracy when playing complex passages. However, it can be challenging to achieve this without proper practice techniques. In this article, we will explore simple yet effective piano practice techniques for building speed and accuracy. Warm-up exercises Before diving into your main practice session, it's crucial to warm up your fingers and hands. Simple exercises like scales, arpeggios, and Hanon exercises can help loosen up your muscles and prepare you for more intense practice. Spend at least 10-15 minutes on these warm-ups to prevent injury and enhance your overall dexterity. Slow practise [...]

Piano practise techniques for building speed and accuracy2024-07-23T11:07:53+01:00

Back to basics with your piano playing!


As an intermediate or advanced piano player, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of exploring new repertoire and techniques. However, it's essential to remember that a strong foundation in the basics is crucial for continued growth and improvement. In this article, we'll explore the importance of going back to basics in piano study, even if you're already an accomplished pianist. Why go back to basics? When you're already proficient in reading sheet music, understanding music theory, and executing complex finger exercises, it's natural to assume that you've mastered the basics. However, the truth is that even the most [...]

Back to basics with your piano playing!2024-06-06T09:05:46+01:00

How do I level up my piano playing?


The journey of mastering piano playing is both exhilarating and challenging. Whether you're tapping the keys for the first time or melodies effortlessly flow from your fingertips, there's always room for growth and improvement. But how can you take your piano playing to new heights of musicality and technique? Here are the tips and insights to help you amplify your piano-playing journey. Levelling up your piano playing involves more than increasing your practice time. It requires a strategic approach that enhances the quality of your learning experience and maximises the efficiency of your practice sessions. Here's how: Embrace personalised learning Each [...]

How do I level up my piano playing?2024-04-22T18:44:06+01:00

Improving your piano technique online with a metronome


Is it possible to learn, practice and develop piano technique via online lessons? Do I need to see my teacher physically, or is watching it online enough?   The answer is relatively easy, seeing that so many today learn how to do specific technical skills by watching videos on youtube. The issue is more about having an excellent, dependable online teacher. Let us consider face-to-face lessons. Here the student is taught in person as also in your online lesson. Both students are watching and listening to what the teacher explains, except it is possible to physically touch the teacher and observe from [...]

Improving your piano technique online with a metronome2022-11-05T14:24:48+00:00
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